
What is Lockerz?

Lockerz is a new site where you can get cool stuff for FREE, simply by collecting Pointz (PTZ). PTZ are gained by logging in, inviting others, and answering the daily blog. Later, there will be games and videos in which you can play or watch to gain PTZ. Collect PTZ and redeem for cool stuff like iPods, cameras, game systems, games, concert tickets, CHI hair straighteners, MacBooks and much more! People have already received prizes! You can get 4 PTZ a day just by logging in and answering a simple question (eg. What was your favourite movie over the summer?).

Here's a sample of what you can get!

Skull Candy headphones 125 PTZ

iPod Nano 175 PTZ

Nintendo Wii 250 PTZ

CHI Hair Straightener 300 PTZ

iPod Touch 325 PTZ

Digital Camera by Canon 500 PTZ

Macbook 13-inch 1000 PTZ

Macbook Pro 13-inch 1500 PTZ

Macbook Air 13-inch 2500 PTZ

Samsung 40" LCD/HD TV 3000 PTZ

Gifts Fields (Video) [ Hediye Alanların Videoları]

Lockerz is 100% FREE! However, you MUST be invited to become a member. To get invited, use this site, and an email invitation will be sent within the next few minutes (before 24 hours, guaranteed). Please be sure to check your JUNK FOLDER if it is not sent into your inbox. If you have NOT received your invitation within 24 hours: Your email address is already under the Lockerz system. We have attempted to Lockerz invite you, but cannot because someone else has previously entered your email. Lockerz is being slow or is bugged again. If you would like us to RESEND your invite, please enter your email again, requesting a RESEND. You may also request this if you think your invite went into your spam folder and was deleted.


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